Maxx's Page Tabs

Saturday, April 4, 2009


  1. it was really crowded today at the weir. there must have been a prom or a dance tonight. we saw a lot of people dressed up in gowns and tuxes while we were there. they also had people there to take pics of them. the weir would be a good backdrop for some pics. so me and whitty tried to stay out of there way as not to get in there pics.

  2. it was nice and sunny and a lot of dogs brought their pet human with them. i got to play with a bunch of them and made some new friends. we still didn't see that many buddies of mine that we already know. we did see a couple of them while skating across the bridge to the other side of the island. this pic is of one of my new friends roscoe he's about 4 months old. i kind of scared them a little but i was gentle. it would try to approach me while my back was turned and try to hide when i turned around.

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