Maxx's Page Tabs

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


  1. whoa! guess what??? i got whitty to take me to the top of the dam overlooking South Holston lake. we took a run across the dam and by the visitor center then up and around the picnic area. we did that a couple of times. whitty kept stopping and talking to people, but i let him get away with it, because i was excited to go somewhere different.

  2. i was a little disapointed because i wanted to meet some new friends, but no such luck at the dam. we did get a little parched and they don't have any running water this time of year. so we just stayed for about 30 or 45 minuets. that is when whitty decided we need a drink, so we left and stopped by the river.

  3. when we got down to Oceola island whitty took me down to the river and let me get a drink. it tasted so good i think i drank a gallon, but then again i do that just about every time we go there. the water just taste better strait from the source. it's always cold and no weird chemicals added to it.

  4. we kind of split up our run and did half our run at the river. we stayed about an hour and finished our work out. maybe we went a little further than usual with both runs together, but that's ok whitty didn't push me too hard. that's not to say we both weren't wore out by the time we were finished. we both might be sore tomorrow. that will teach him, then again maybe not.........HAHAHA!

  5. i even seen something i thought i would never see. there was a cat walking on a leash with two people. that's like trying to push a string uphill. how that cat kept them two under control is astounding. haha! the cat seemed to be alright with me but the sound of whitty's skates was what startled it. it was a pretty cat almost solid black, except some white on it's chest.
  6. here's a pic from the top of the dam looking into the river below. the pic at the top is of the lake. i'll have whitty post more pics of our adventures later.

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